How to use Pedicure Tools
We are happy you found this blog, as part of a series of writings we offer about pedicure related topics. We, along with other experts, have begun placing an extra emphasis on proper foot care, and we are seeing a significant increase in pedicure-related focus from the general public. Zamberg also appreciates the trust you have shown in us, to help educate, inform, and provide proper guidance for all things manicure and pedicure related.
In our other blogs, we talk about the specific tools you need for a pedicure, and here we will talk a bit about how to use those tools.
Before we dive in, it is important to prepare your feet prior to any tool or implement activity. Since the tools we will cover deal with removing callouses and cutting toenails, please always soak your feet for 10 to 15 minutes in warm water before starting your pedicure process. This will soften up your skin, which will make it much easier to scrub calluses. It will often soften up the toenails, which are thicker and harder than fingernails.
The two most important tools for any pedicure are a product to treat and remove calluses, and a cutting or clipping tool able to handle those thicker, meaner toenails.
Historically, pumice stones, which are textured rocks formed from volcanic eruptions, have been used as an abrasive since ancient times. This included using the stone to remove and soften calluses and corns. While some still use pumice stones, or some variation of pumice, to treat calluses, many experts including Zamberg have turned to the safer and more versatile glass pedicure bar.

A glass pedicure bar should be used to remove and smooth calluses. For safety reasons, you should always avoid any callous-removal product that is too abrasive. Glass pedicure bars are gentle, and come in various sizes and thickness. After soaking your foot and callous, gently scrape the callous slowly, removing only the dead skin. Stop once you feel like you have reached live skin. Removing live skin will make the callous grow even faster. You can use the finer side of the pedicure bar to smooth the callous and skin.

To cut toenails, the most popular choice is a quality toenail clipper, while others prefer a pair of toenail nippers. The key to cutting toenails is to cut them straight across, and never too close or into the corners. Cutting too short or deeply into corners is the main cause of ingrown toenails, which can be highly painful and may lead to more serious infection. Whichever tool you choose, make sure it is made of the hardest, high carbon stainless steel. Lesser steel will not be sharp enough to cut or clip toenails properly, which is another reason why specific toenail clippers or nippers should be used.

After cutting toenails, file them to a smooth edge. We recommend using the finer side of a glass pedicure bar for filing, but if you prefer something other than glass, Zamberg offers some of the finest German made steel files, including triple-cut files, that will also do a good job filing toenails.
If you are a nail professional, Zamberg also offers some of the finest steel pedicure tools for lifting and excavating ingrown toenails. While we do not recommend these tools for the casual user, these tools would be a quality complement to any professional pedicure kit. We encourage you to look over our catalog, and contact us with any questions or comments.
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