The Lowdown on Manicure Tool Sterilization
While sterilization, and hygiene in general, have always been important in all facets of personal self-care, sanitation and sterilization of manicure tools has taken on an added level of importance over the past couple of years. The Covid pandemic has changed the way we all live, and has brought on extra scrutiny to the health and beauty industries, putting salons under a bigger microscope than ever before.
As Covid has proven, the spread of disease can move very fast. Prior to Covid, there was still always a concern that people carry bacteria which can infect others through open skin and other ways. Now, those other ways, such as sharing health, beauty, and manicure tools, have become magnified.
Are Salons safe?
Reputable salons have always taken sterilization seriously. Sterilization and sanitation of nail care tools are treated differently by salons as opposed to home users. Salons, and people working as paid nail professionals, must abide by all state, city and local guidelines regarding sterilization of nail care tools.

The best and most trusted salons disinfect manicure tools using an autoclave, a small machine which sterilizes each manicure tool with high pressure, heat, and steam. Many other salons use lesser sanitation processes such as Barbicide, or other chemicals, to soak their utensils. Unfortunately, many salons do not properly sterilize their manicure tools as required by law. Like anything else, do your research. See for yourself what methods a salon uses to sterilize, and also research online. Read comments of salon patrons, and reviews of the salon. More than ever before, people are more apt to identify poor sanitation processes via online reviews.
Sterilizing Manicure Tools at Home
Since it is likely you will be the only person using your manicure tools, soaking in a solution like Barbicide, or a simple wash with soap and water, is usually sufficient. If you believe the tools are exposed to any fungus, boil them in water before using. Along with keeping your nail manicure tools clean, sterilized, protected, and dry so that they remain sterile, we also highly recommend that you never share your manicure tools. Think of your manicure tools like you do your toothbrush. You don't share your toothbrush with others, do you?
Modern Thoughts
Even before the Covid pandemic, more and more salon visitors have bought their own, high quality manicure kits (purchased from reputable sites like Zamberg), and bring those kits to their salon visits. This ensures that your tools (which you maintain and protect) will never touch another person's skin and nails. Regardless of a salon's sterilization methods, this just might be the best way to ensure your salon-going peace of mind.
And don't be afraid to embrace technological advances in the manicure industry. One of our leading brands, GERMANIKURE, has released a full line of SUNgienic files (for hands and feet) which sterilize with just one hour of exposure to direct sunlight! These files are coated in a thin transparent film of permanently bonded titanium dioxide. When exposed to UV light, titanium dioxide undergoes a microscopic photo catalytic reaction which kills and vaporizes any bacteria, fungi, and viruses that may be on the surface, without the need for harsh chemicals or autoclaves.
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